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Philodendron 'Congo Rojo'
Unlike most philodendrons, this blushing beauty has red stalks! New leaves come in a beautiful red that fades to a deep green as the leaves mature. Like the ‘Gongo Green,’ this Philodendron is not a climber, instead, it is ‘self-heading.' New foliage grows in layers off of the previous petiole and leaf, this is very similar to the Monstera Deliciosa!
Grow Pot Size: 4” and 6”
Overall Height Including Grow Pot: 10-24” Depending on the grow pot size.
Plant Care Level: Easy
Key Benefits
Like all Philodendrons the ‘Congo Rojo’, will not say no to higher humidity levels and lots of bright light. However, it is one of the most adaptable philodendrons out there. And because of this, they can handle a wide range of environments including lower light levels and humidity!
Philodendron 'Congo Rojo' Care Tips
- Other Common names: Rojo Philodendron, Red Congo
- Binomial name: Philodendron tatei ‘Congo Rojo’
- Care Level: Easy
- Light: Bright, indirect light
- Water: Allow the top 2” of the soil to dry
- Pet Friendly: No
The Philodendron 'Congo Rojo' Story
Where is it from?
Philodendron tatei are native to South America.
Who is the Philodendron 'Congo Rojo'?
This attractive blushing beauty is a cultivar of the Philodendron ‘Congo Green’. The stalk, petioles, and new leaves of the ‘Congo Rojo’ are a striking red.
Good For You!
Philodendrons are strong air purifiers and the large paddle-shaped leave are excellent at trapping dust particles!
Is the Philodendron 'Congo Rojo' the right plant for me?
Philodendrons are notoriously easy to care for. We suggest that you think about where you will put the ‘Congo Rojo’ before adding it to your home, happy plants will grow quickly! As this plant grows its paddle-shaped leaves will become quite large.
Pet Friendly: No! Philodendrons are not to be ingested.
Location Suggestions: The ‘Congo Rojo’ develops large padel-shaped leaves similar to that of a banana tree or bird of paradise. Provide lots of room for your plant to grow. They work well in bedrooms and living rooms or an obscure corner in your office!
Care Instructions
These plants dwell on the forest floor and prefer bright, indirect light or filtered bright light.
Allow the top 2”-3” of the soil to dry before watering. Philodendrons like to dry out a bit inbetween waterings. Too much water will cause the new growth to turn yellow or rot.
Can be done every 12-18 months. Choose a pot that is 2” larger in diameter than the original pot.
Use a well-draining, high organic matter soil mix. Two parts high soil to one part bark or perlite.
The ideal temperature range is 65°F to 75°F
Follow a monthly fertilizing schedule when the plant is actively growing. In most cases, this is in the spring and summer. Use a balanced fertilizer - this means a ratio of NPK that is all the same. Ex: 10-10-10.
Remove dried or damaged leaves to keep the plant looking nice and healthy.
Dust the leaves frequently. These beautiful giants can collect a lot of dust!
General Information About Your Plant
South America
Large, red foliage that can fill up a space in no time!
Highly toxic. Always keep plants out of reach of pets and childre

Price Match Guarantee:
If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

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On orders over $85.