Chinese Money Plants have become one of the world’s favourite houseplants. Hailing from Yunnan and Sichuan regions of Southern China, this plant is known for its simple elegance. It is called a money plant as its leaves resemble coins and it is thought to bring good luck to whoever cares for it.
Though Chinese Money Plants have all but disappeared from their natural habitat, they are thriving in the houseplant scene. Chinese Money Plants are easy to grow - only really asking for some bright light and to be watered when they are dry.
Chinese Money Plants are also known for being extremely easy to propagate. Propagating money plants has never been easier! If you have a friend or family member who has a Chinese Money Plant you will be able to have one of your own, basically for free, in weeks!
There are a few different methods for propagating Chinese Money Plants. Be sure to have a look through each method to find the one that best suits your skills, abilities, and more importantly, intrigue! We will follow this process up with some ideal growing conditions that will help make your Chinese Money Plant grow amazingly well.
Stem Plantlets
Chinese Money Plants make their own little baby leaves that grow from the main stem of the main plant. These can be used in Chinese Money Plant propagation. They do not have their own root system yet so they can be a little bit tricky and easier to kill, though we will guide you through the step-by-step process to do it successfully.
Using a clean, sharp knife remove the baby stems plantlets from the pot. You can now choose to either put this plantlet in its own pot with soil or into a vase with water. The water method usually works quite well. You can see once the roots have started to grow it is ready to be planted in a pot of its own.
This is best to do towards the end of winter. This gives the baby plant the entire growing season to grow and become a self-sufficient plant of its own.
Root Plantlets
Using root plantlets is the most commonly used method of propagating Chinese Money Plants. Little plants should grow around the main plant producing small, clustered stems and leaves. You are going to remove these and create a new home for new Chinese Money Plants!
Remove the plantlets from the soil and sever the connection of their roots from the main plant. Do this with a sharp, clean knife only. Using any other utensil can result in infection and quick death. Add the cutting to a pot with moist soil. Bury it as you found it in the original pot and you should have new plants in no time!
Ensure to carefully monitor the baby plant for the first few days as it might be shocked in its completely new environment. Keep it out of light and ensure it is properly watered in its first few weeks to encourage proper growth.
Stem Cuttings
This is probably the least likely solution to create the result that you want when it comes to propagating money plants. Nevertheless, if you do not feel comfortable with the other two methods then you can try this. Money plant cutting is pretty straightforward but is not the natural way that these plants want to be processed.
Simply follow the same steps as the stem plantlets but use larger leaves from the main plant instead. If you are in the process of grooming your plant then this can be a good opportunity to trim larger leaves and undergo this method with them. Monitor your propagated plant well to ensure solid growth.
Growing Conditions
Ensure that your newly propagated Chinese Money Plants have plenty of bright, indirect light during their first months. This should continue into adulthood but they will be particularly sensitive to direct sunlight as infant plants.
Be sure to water little and often - checking the soil daily in the first few days and weeks. If it dries out quickly during this time then be sure to water more often.
During the growing season, use a diluted fertilizer only once per month to ensure full growth. These plants enjoy moderate temperatures. They only need to be kept at general, conventional room temperature to thrive.
Also Read - Chinese Money Plant Care Guide
We hope you have enjoyed reading about our best tips and tricks for Propagating Chinese Money Plants! This process is easy and straightforward and we hope you find it the same. Feel free to give these as gifts or even try to sell some to make some extra cash!